Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Trac On Osx

Jul 15, 2004, 7:52:56 PM (21 years ago)



  • Trac On Osx

    v1 v1  
     1= Installing and running Trac on Mac OSX =
     3Fink ( can be used to install most of Trac's dependencies:
     5 $ apt-get install sqlite
     6 $ apt-get install svn-client svn-swig-py23
     9If you need to use a secure protocol with subversion, you need to install the -ssl variants:
     11 $ apt-get install svn-client-ssl svn-ssl-swig-py23
     14The last two dependencies (pysqlite and clearsilver) can't be installed using fink,
     15you have to download and install them manually.
     17== Clearsilver ==
     19Download latest version from Compile it with Python
     20support and install it in the fink prefix.
     22 $ ./configure --prefix=/sw/ --with-python=/sw/bin/python2.3
     23 $ make install
     25You might have to modify some some hard coded /usr/local/bin/python path to /sw/bin/python2.3
     26in some file when running {{{make install}}}.
     28== pysqlite ==
     30The file {{{}}} in the pysqlite distribution doesn't recognize the darwin platform so you'll
     31have to add the following lines to {{{}}} (it should be quite obvious where):
     33elif sys.platform == "darwin":
     34    include_dirs = ['/sw/include/']
     35    library_dirs = ['/sw/lib/']
     36    libraries = [sqlite]
     37    runtime_library_dirs = []
     38    extra_objects = []
     41After that modification the installation should simply be:
     43 $ /sw/bin/python2.3 ./ install
     46== Installing Trac itself ==
     48You should now be all set to install Trac using the TracInstall instructions. Make sure to use
     49{{{/sw/bin/python2.3}}} when running the {{{}}} script.
     51I had some problems getting apples personal web-server (apache 1.3) to run trac.cgi with the correct
     52python interpreter (/sw/bin/python2.3) so I placed this dummy {{{trac.cgi}}} in
     55#! /bin/sh
     56/sw/bin/python2.3 /somewhere/cgi-bin/trac.cgi
     60Keep in mind that these instructions were written from the top of my mind and might be
     61incomplete and contain some errors. If you find any errors please correct them by
     62editing this page and/or contacting me -- [ JonasBorgstrom]
     64== Alternative install method: pkgsrc ==
     66As an alternative to fink and compiling by hand, you can install from pkgsrc (  Yes, pkgsrc runs on Mac OS X just as well as it runs on NetBSD or Linux.
     68See TracOnNetBsd for more information.